Recent changes to this wiki:

Changed mailing list address which has long been more than temporary.
Fix list formatting.
Initial contents of the new project page.
Add "Deliver EOMA68" project page.
Added more Hirose products.
Added details of another product range.
Fixed wording, added actual board size dimensions.
Added a note about the full-height region on any board.
Added more product and physical details.
Added drawing archive links.
trivial test edit
Add placeholder header how to power micro desktop via USB cable
add link to WaybackMachine (script.fex_2013_09_17)
add paragraph on linux-sunxi 3.4.104 kernel, SDC0 and SDC2
add links on Sunxi U-Boot, means to check *two* MMC slots in the early SPL loader
add headlines to distinct between sunxi U-Boot and Mainline U-Boot, add section on older still installed gcc versions
add internal Links to Building_U-Boot, Buildroot_Toolchain and A20, Boot
Added device tree overlays section.
Fixed git clone command, added device tree and configuration notes.
Added mainline kernel notes.
Made kernel and U-Boot sections more concise; updated kernel branch name and linked to more guidance.
Added Linux build page.
Added U-Boot build page reference.
Added U-Boot build page.
Added usage notes.
Added introduction and toolchain section.
Added details of building a toolchain using Buildroot.
add usb uart connection photo
add dims.jpg
add nlet 2019 page
pin positive
add microdesktop usbuart link
add microdesktop usbuart link
add microdesktop usbuart link
add microdesktop usbuart link
Added links to other software-related pages.
Added Bootlin video decoding efforts.
Tried to summarise the status of various things.
Added some more detail and remarks about board dimensions.
add pcmcia sources
update nlnet proposal
add nlnet 2018 PET proposal
add microdesktop i2c circuit
Noted next clarification
Clarification: Neologisms in single quotes. (Missed one) && Clarification: "Feeling" -> 'Sense' because 'Sensory' apparatuses may not be innate and may need development by culture or cultural means.
"'Involvement' in what?" 'Influence' multitudness and agnostic-of targets
Clarification: Plunder; Neologisms in single quotes.
minor tidying