• The word "R/Evolution" is a reference to Reverse-Engineering as a tool to help "Evolve" Free Software.
  • The references to NDAs, DRM, Tivoisation, spyware and binary blobs - these all refer to the Free Software Foundation's aims
  • "rootkit to fit" refers to the Sony BMG Rootkit which was installed on CDs back around 2005: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2005/11/are-you-infected-sony-bmgs-rootkit
  • The next stanza refers to all the companies that make their money from "free" (as in monetarily-zero-cost, not libre) SaaSS, using social engineering to blackmail people into giving up freedom. I read slack.com's Terms of Service for example and they're really really insidious.
  • The next stanza: when I was in China (Shenzhen) I was shocked at how many people use wechat even to pay for things like take-out food and groceries. It's pretty much EVERYBODY. Hardly anyone uses cash. You know what will happen next: cash will be REFUSED.
  • The second half of that stanza refers to the poorly-executed plan to FORCE people in India to start using online banking: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/30/india-cash-deadline-rupees-demonitisation-narendra-modi Online Banking can of course... be tracked.
  • The stanza about Credit cards mixes several references, to researchers who managed to mathematically create fingerprints that fooled fingerprint readers; the fact that SIM Cards and RFID Cards typically run a Java Virtual Machine; the news about researchers putting gello over their fingers and putting someone else's fingerprint onto the opposite surface... and so on.
  • V for Vendetta is a famous dystopian film, the basis of which is that the UK Government successfully deployed a law similar to that which allowed Adolf Hitler to start the Second World War in 1939. The law was one which REMOVED Parliament and allowed the Prime Minister to pass ANY law which he ALONE considered "reasonable". Under such an (unbelievable) scenario, allowing Police to simply turn up at someone's house and shoot them if their router was used for filesharing would be "reasonable"...
  • The Internet Ghetto references, along with the monopolistic practices, refers to the USA's practice of dividing up the country into areas where it's not worth them competing, resulting in enclaves of outlying areas which are automatic monopolies with extremely poor Internet access. I'm told that they PROHIBIT people from setting up WIFI hotspots! As in, there are actual State Laws banning people from communicating.
  • Tim Cook's "we did it to ourselves" refers to his interview: http://fortune.com/2016/03/17/apple-tim-cook-going-dark/ He's referring to George Orwell's dystopian future with mass-surveillance as a way of life, but it turns out that by simply using Facebook and other Social Media we're already running mass-surveillance!