Project to get the extant EOMA68 hardware into the hands of the users who supported its development.

Specifically, this project aims to develop:

  1. A test software load for already assembled CPU cards that will qualify them for delivery to first 100 customers.
  2. Resolution for power regulator instability on extant Micro-Desktop motherboards. (Most likely involving assembly changes requiring hand rework. How many v1.7 PCB's have been fabricated? How many have been assembled?)
  3. A hardware-software test bench to fully exercise the capabilities of the CPU cards in order to provide feedback to manufacturing (~1000 CPU cards) and facilitate repairs.
  4. A hardware-software test bench to fully exercise the capabilities of the Micro-Desktop cases in order to provide feedback to manufacturing (~600 Micro-Desktop cases) and facilitate repairs.
  5. A new revision (v1.8) of the Micro-Desktop to solve observed issues in power supply stability and standards compliance.
  6. A new revision of the CPU card with run-time configurable interfaces made possible by incorporating an FPGA.